Praburajan : 9600037999

   Services Offered by WebExcel Technologies Private Limited with ParentAlert:


At WebExcel Technologies Private Limited, we are committed to providing a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower families and enhance their digital experiences. Our primary product, ParentAlert, serves as the cornerstone of our offerings, ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones in today's digital landscape.

ParentAlert Implementation:

Tailored integration of ParentAlert into your digital environment. Seamless setup and configuration for immediate use. Guidance and support throughout the implementation process.

Customized Parental Control Solutions:

Personalized configuration of ParentAlert to align with your family values. Fine-tuned controls for monitoring and managing digital activities. Flexible settings to cater to the unique needs of each family member.

Educational Resources:

Access to a wealth of educational materials on online safety. Guidance on fostering open communication about responsible digital citizenship. Regular updates on the latest trends and challenges in the digital world.

At WebExcel Technologies Private Limited, our services extend beyond technology; they revolve around fostering stronger family bonds and creating a safer digital environment. With ParentAlert and our comprehensive range of services, we aim to empower families in navigating the digital world with confidence and peace of mind.